Handmade Suds by Nic was a quarantine 2020 baby! I launched my company in June 2020 around the time the news that my corporate Visual Merchandising role had been eliminated. As a creative person (with some business knowledge under my belt) I knew I needed an outlet to keep sane! *cue* soap making! I have always had a love for bar soap and would always collect them during travels, etc.
I decided it was time to make my OWN soap and control what ingredients I put in my bars. I use clean products in my daily regimen and I wanted to bring CLEAN
soap to you!
In the past few months, I have expanded from soap to candles, lip balms, sugar scrubs, and more! I pride myself on sourcing the best ingredients for you and
your family!
I truly hope you love your new products as much as I loved making them!

xox, nic